About Me
Hi, I'm Nathan Collins. I'm currently a employed at VisioStack, Inc as a software developer / data scientist.
I am a Christian.
Work Experience
Bob Jones University Software Services
I worked from the summer after 9th grade until the first semester of my sophomore year in college at the BJU IT department in the software services department. During that time, I worked mainly on writing Java code for BJU's StudentCentral student information system, as well as some other Java apps. I also worked with a platform called OutSystems to develop a number of new applications during the later part of working at BJU.
Infor Cloud Applications and Services
During the summer of 2017, I interned at Infor, writing serverless applications on AWS. The main application I worked on was called Windsor, which helped automate deployment and testing of Infor's main software products. In the last few weeks of my internship I worked on writing some chatbots to make using Windsor easier and to help with support.
Bob Jones University Autonomous Vehicle Team
During my junior year of college I helped write code for the Bruin2 autonomous vehicle. That summer, BJU recieved a grant from TARDEC, a research division of the Army, to build Bruin3, another autonomous vehicle using TARDEC's RTK software. I was hired my senior year to write code to interface with RTK and manage the autonomous vehicle.
VisioStack Data Science
During my senior year of college, I worked an internship at VisioStack, Inc, and I was hired as a data scientist after the internship. In this job, I have worked mainly on Computer Vision, Machine Learning, and serverless cloud architecture.
Scholastic Bowl
I have been able to participate in a society activity at BJU called scholastic bowl, where teams from different societies compete to answer questions from all areas of study in a format similar to Jeopardy. My team was blessed to win the championship for two years.
Weight Loss
I lost about 70 pounds during the summer of 2017. You can learn more about the program I used here.